Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Job Flood Hits it..?

Job Flood Hits India If you are just out of college and looking for a job, there is some good news for you. According to Manpower, Global HR firm, among the 36 countries surveyed, Indian employers are still the most confident. Managing Director, Manpower India Mr Sanjay Pandit said, ''Almost all the sectors have recovered and job hiring is on all time high.'' The survey though says that recruiters in the North and East India are still not in the hiring mode. But down south in Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad, the scenario is quite different. The survey says that hiring in India could touch 42 per cent, which was the figure before the slowdown happened. As per the survey, the era of job losses is over and companies will now try hard to retain workers. Source : 09-06-10 Compiled by


  1. @ Jobs Flood : Still lack of opportunities in North India for Freshers. What shall we do?

  2. Accept the available opportunities (whatever)..keep learning ..keep working..keep gaining experience and keep appearing for itnerviews..believe in yourself and you will be in good shape ONE DAY.
